Appendix F

CAS Individual Student Completion Form
SCHOOL YEARS: 2010-2012
Learning Outcomes | Achieved? | Nature/Location of Evidence |
Increased awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth | Yes. | By learning to play tennis for the first time through CAS, I became more aware of my strengths in this sport, such as power/strength in using my racquet, which made the matches more interesting and constructive (LINK)I also realized that my strength involved good concentration and reflective skills on my performance, which also helped me to become aware of my weaknesses, such as clarity in the shots/serves. My such awareness for areas of improvement motivated me to practice more and helped me to grow as a tennis player and I thus made a great achievement in playing a very good tennis match (LINK) |
Undertaken new challenges | Yes | Tennis was the new challenge that I undertook to broaden my understanding, exposure and skills in another sport (action). Also, I undertook a new challenge in music(creativity). Having played classical music as a pianist, I took a new challenge by stepping out of my comfort zone and trying a new genre including New Age, Jazz and Pop-classics. (LINK)This enhanced my appreciation for and knowledge in music and skills in playing piano. |
Planned and initiated activities | Yes | As a leader of Alzheimer’s, the main goal was to make our CAS more active and meaningful. Thus I made sure to plan in a balanced, effective and efficient way, such as when planning to visit the Alzheimer’s center or the annual Alzheimer’s Walk (LINK). Also, we planed and initiated a very meaningful activity of a food-drive, to donate to the new center for the patients (LINK). |
Worked collaboratively with others | Yes | I led the Alzheimer’s Foundation with my partner Harini, the co-leader. It would have been impossible to achieve what we have achieved if we didn’t collaborate, through regular and consistent communication, being balanced and open-minded to each other’s, as well as group members’ ideas and encouraged and motivated each other. LINK As a Chief Editor of Key Club, I worked collaboratively with many members, as well as other CAS leaders(link) On a larger scale, as a delegate of Malaysia in ECOSOC during MUN, I collaborated with many delegates and people in discussing the important global issue and communicating & sharing our ideas with balanced viewpoint. LINK |
Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities | Yes | In tennis, I showed perseverance when I was aware of my weaknesses and communicated with my coach to identify where I could improve on a regular basis and always practiced with patience LINK. In Alzheimer’s Foundation, I was a member for 3 years and a leader for 2 years, and such commitment and perseverance enabled me to understand the needs and wants of the organization and to initiate appropriate activities with commitment (LINK). In MUN, I showed commitment and perseverance as a delegate for 2 years’ conferences. In such situation, I committed myself to do my best in research, debate and resolution-writing and this required much perseverance as the research was very challenging, and many conflicting ideas/opinions arose in communicating. LINK |
Engaged with issues of global importance | Yes | Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that affects so many people in all parts of the world. I understand as I also personally witnessed the agony that such dementia can bring. One of the issues that I learned so much about is that patients and families do not exactly know how to deal with the disease, which worsens the pain it brings. Also, the perspective from the society on the disease is very limited and confined, which I witnessed when I communicated with the patients and their family members as a leader of the Alzheimer’s Group (LINK). In MUN, I was very fortunate to engage myself in the global issues that threaten the well-being of our international society. Based on research and analysis, I was deeply engaged as I communicated these issues with other delegates and discussed how we may approach these issues as the future leaders, including writing resolutions(LINK). |
Considered the ethical implications of their actions | Yes | As a leader of the Alzheimer’s Foundation, I planned and carried out the food-drive across the school with my partner. Although it was a successful activity, it really helped me mature as a person as it motivated me to consider the ethical implications of our actions. The main goal was to invite people to donate certain food products (per grade) to donate to the patients at the Alzheimer’s center. Many people responded to this, which I am grateful about. However, I also realized that some people did it out of the competitive spirit, not the giving spirit. I really pondered about our motives in giving and whether it was ethical to give, just to win or make ourselves look good. This led me to write down and reflect my thoughts in my blog (LINK) |
Developed new skills | Yes | In tennis, I developed so many skills from no-tennis to an extent that I can play good tennis matches enjoyably. As a pianist, I developed my new skills in using pedals and shoulder weight, as well as body&facial expressions appropriately for different genres (LINK). Also, in Alzheimer’s and MUN, I developed my new skills as a leader (such as inviting people to participate and express their ideas) and communication skills, including public speaking with confidence (LINK). |
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