Wednesday, March 9, 2011

MUN Conference: Second&Third day (5th~6th March)

The first session of the second day of the conference was spent with debating on the 2 different resolutions we have created the previous day. It was a very intense debate, and I learned to control myself by persevering and staying balanced and open-minded to what others had to say, whilst also defending your own country's stance and belief in a diplomatic approach. We voted on the second resolution and began to move into the second topic at hand :"Disaster Risk Reduction, disaster relief management and prevention of forced eviction ,in view of and following natural disasters, with emphasis on individuals in disputed territories"

It was a very timely topic to consider and I was able to develop and display my global awareness on one of the most urgent and important issues that face the humanity today. The conference on this topic enhanced my knowledge and understanding on different countries' stances and enabled me to stay open-minded, balanced, principled and reflective on the situation at hand and discuss in-depth in order to try make things better. I took active part during the conference by staying alert to other delegates' opinions and asking them Points of Information or Point of Order frequently as well as giving spontaneous speeches during moderated caucusing. Spontaneous speeches... it was very scary at the beginning because I had no guarantee that I won't make any mistakes with correct information and I had to speak in front of the well-prepared delegates without any practical practice at all. However, I made sure to force myself into this unfamiliar and nerve-breaking situation and became a risk-taker and eventually, I was very proud of myself for developing such confidence and making it successful. Therefore, it was a very good chance for me to realize my areas of weaknesses and overcome those gradually.

This is me, during the conference in which we were debating about the second issue.

   As usual, writing resolutions took place soon. But this time, I took leadership skills and participated in gathering delegates, negotiating and sharing roles for different delegates such as coming up with operative clauses on different areas. I also took charge in typing with my friend Kasturi (delegate of India) and worked on coming up with pre-ambulatory clauses which explained the countries' awareness of the situation at hand and as I am able to type pretty fast, I took charge in typing and meanwhile we were able to look at different operative clauses that people gave us, go through and edit or suggest better improvements. When our given period of exactly an hour had passed and the resolution was complete, I was very impressed and proud of the work we all have done and learend that such success is possible only by effective and repsonsive leadership, cooperation, commitment, open-mindedness and reflective skills.

This is me and Kasturi, during resolution writing.

The third day took place at Water's Edge where we debated on the resolutions and worked on emergency topic of 'Oil Spill'. It ended with a great succes!

Me and Kasturi, among the other fellow delegates of ECOSOC ^_^

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