Theme of this year's conferece, befittingly, was "Natural Disasters" where different committees work on various aspects of it.
The first day of the conference began with the ceremony, where we were once again reminded of the importance and relevance of the theme and were encouraged by guest speakers who are at the moment very much invovled in the actual UN regarding this issue.
My committee, ECOnomic and SOCial Council, worked under these topics:
- 1. Maintaining sustainable development in LEDCs and HIPCs with emephasis on ODA and Debt Relief.
- 2. Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster RElief Management and Prevention of Forced Eviction in view of and following Natural Disasters, with Emphasis on Individuals in Disputed Territories.
We worked on the first topic, in which we debated and came up with the first set of resolutions. I took active part by giving a speech approved by the Head Table during the Speaker's List and by constatntly staying alert to the conference and asking Points of Information. It was a bit of a challenge at the beginning because I had to overcome my anxieties (worrying that I might make mistakes or my speech does not convey relevant or clear message) and speak in front of a well-prepared and committed committee of delegates representing various countries. However, I developed as a risk-taker throughout and overcame my fears which helped me to use my knowledge and understanding to further assess, debate, reflect or evaluate different countries' issues including my deletgation country Malaysia, stay inquiring by keeping alert to other countries' stance, working in collaboration with others, showing respect and balanced attitude towards others' opinions even when they greatly differ to mine, displaying perseverance to come up with a negotiation whilst meeting physical fatigue towards the end and working under pressure as only an hour was given to write a resolution in which I also had to show team-work to form groups, discuss and weigh different opinions and come up with effective pre-ambulatory and operative clauses.
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