Thursday, December 1, 2011

Alzheimer's Service Group Session on 01 Dec

Today, after school, the Alzhimer's Service Group gathered together for a planned session in order to work on initiating our goals: food drive and the memory box.
While having postponed the memory box for next discussion as some of the members, who are largely involved in arranging the box, which we hoped to discuss today, were absent, we decided to stay balanced and realistic in what we could do and work on initiating another goal of the food drive.

   We worked on writing a letter for the parents of OSC to inform them and make them aware as well about our service project and the food drive. We also wrote a draft for a small article to be published in the school newsletter, in order to invite, encourage and remind the school community for their donation. We are not too comfortable in writing letters for such audience, which is a challenge. It is a challenging task for us in trying to communicate effectively and grasp thier attention and also approach them in a polite manner, which requires us to be more selective, balanced and reflective in our word choice, tone, breath and depth of our explanation etc. Thus, the draft that we have created still needs some touch before being published or sent which me and Harini, my partner leader, would see to it.

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